Dr. José Raúl Ruiz Sarmiento
Assistant Professor
Address: Dpto. Ingenieria de Sistemas y Automatica, E.T.S.I. Informatica – Telecomunicacion, Universidad de Malaga, Campus Universitario de Teatinos, 29071 Malaga, Spain
Phone: +34 952 13 28 94
E-mail: jotaraul [at] uma.es
Research interests: Computer vision, Object/place recognition, Semantic Maps, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Data science, Deep learning
Short bio
I was born in Málaga, Spain, in 1984. I received the B.Sc in “Computer Science Engineering” from the University of Málaga in July 2009, and one year later the M.Sc in “Mechatronics”. Before that, in September 2008 I joined the MAPIR group. Since then, I have been involved in different projects as the TCS national project or the european one ExCITE. In January 2012 I obtained a FPU grant from the Spanish government, a great oportunity to take advantage of 4 years as PhD. student. In November 2016 I completed my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Málaga. Nowadays I’m a post-doc researcher at MAPIR and an assistant lecturer at the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation.
My brief CV can be found [here].
Academic background
- PhD in Computer Science Engineering with honors. University of Málaga, November 2016.
- M.Sc in Mechatronics. University of Málaga, July 2010.
- B.Sc in Computer Science Engineering. University of Málaga, July 2009.
Scientific production (publications)
- Journal papers: 23
- Conference papers: 31
- Book chapters: 7
- Technical reports: 1
- ROBOTNIK award to the best PhD thesis in Robotics, presented in the Jornadas de Automática 2017, for the thesis entitled Probabilistic Techniques in Semantic Mapping for Mobile Robots.
- Finalist of the IBIMA awards to the best 2017 paper for the work Robot@Home, a Robotic Dataset for Semantic Mapping of Home Environments.
- PAAMS’11 award for scientific excellence for the work Improving Human Face Detection through ToF Cameras for Ambient Intelligence Applications
- INFAIMON 2011 award to the best work on Applications of Computer Vision to Automatic for Cámaras basadas en tiempo de vuelo. Uso en la mejora de métodos de detección de caras.
Participation in Projects
- VOXELAND: Towards an effective voxelized representation of the workspace of mobile robots (JA.B1-09). University of Málaga. Jan’2024-Dec’2024 (Principal Investigator) Ongoing
- AI system for the automatic management of green areas (AEI-010500-2023-207). Spanish Ministry of Industry, Comerce and Turism, Innovative Business Clusters -2023 MRR, Spanish call, June’2023-Apr’2024 (Research member) Ongoing
- 5GVec (OTRI-8.06/5.56.6558), TUPL SPAIN S.L. Apr’2023-Dec’2023.
- ARPEGGIO: Advanced Robotic Perception for Mapping and Localization (PID2020-117057GB-I00), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Sept’2021-Aug’2024 (Research member) Ongoing
- HOUNDBOT: Creación de mapas de gas y localización de fuente con un robot móvil (P20_01302), Junta de Andalucía, Oct’21-Sept’23 (Research member)
- WISER: Building and exploiting semantic maps by mobile robots (DPI2017-84827-R). MINECO, Spanish call. Jan’18-Dec’20. (Research member)
- 6im: Laboratorio Exaescalable para Inteligencia Artificial y Modelado Numérico (Project ID: EQC2018-004571-P). MINECO, Spanish call. Nov’2018-Oct’20· (Research member)
- MoveCare: Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder (Project ID: 732158). Call H2020-ICT-2016-2017. Jan’2017-Dec’19· (Contract staff)
- SiMoDiM: Monitorización y Diagnóstico para la transformación digital del mantenimiento predictivo y correctivo de la maquinaria industrial del proceso de laminación en caliente (OTRI-8.06/5.56.4826). Acerinox Europa S.A.U. Mar’17-Mar’18. (Research member)
- IRO: Mejora de la capacidad sensorial y autónoma de robots mediante olfato (2012-TEP-530). Junta de Andalucia, Spanish call. Jan’14-Jan’18. (Research member)
- PROMOVE: Advances in mobile robotics for promoting independent life of elders (DPI2014-55826-R). MINECO, Spanish call. Jan’15-Dec’17. (Contract staff)
- Taroth: Nuevos desarrollos hacia un robot en casa (DPI2011-25483). CICYT, Spanish call. Jan’12-Dec’14. (Research member)
- ExCite: Enabling SoCial Interaction Through Embodiment (PS09/02678). AAL (Ambient Assited Living). Dec’09-Dec’12. (Contract staff)
- TCS: Tunnel Continuous Setout (OTRI-8.06/5.56.3153). SACYR S.A.U. Nov’08-Apr’10. (Contract staff)