UMA Visual-Inertial Dataset

The UMA Visual Inertial Dataset is a collection of 32 sequences obtained in challenging conditions (changing light, low-terxtured scenes) with a handheld custom rig composed by a stereo camera, a stereo rig and a Inertial Measurement Unit.

The UMA-VI Dataset: Visual-Inertial Odometry in Low-textured and Dynamic Illumination Environments


Contact: David Zuñiga-Noël, Alberto Jaenal, Ruben Gomez-Ojeda, and Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez



This paper presents a visual-inertial dataset gathered in indoor and outdoor scenarios with a handheld custom sensor rig, for over 80 min in total. The dataset contains hardware-synchronized data from a commercial stereo camera (Bumblebee®2), a custom stereo rig and an inertial measurement unit. The most distinctive feature of this dataset is the strong presence of low-textured environments and scenes with dynamic illumination, which are recurrent corner cases of visual odometry and SLAM methods. The dataset comprises 32 sequences and is provided with pseudo- ground truth poses at the beginning and the end of each of the sequences, thus allowing to measure the accumulated drift in each case. We also make available open source tools for evaluation purposes, as well as the intrinsic and extrinsic calibration parameters of all sensors in the rig.






If you use this dataset, please cite it through (the paper is available here):     

     title={The UMA-VI dataset: Visual--inertial odometry in low-textured and dynamic illumination environments},
     author={Zu{\~n}iga-No{\"e}l, David and Jaenal, Alberto and Gomez-Ojeda, Ruben and Gonzalez-Jimenez, Javier},
     journal={The International Journal of Robotics Research},
     publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}

1. Summary

The dataset contains 32 sequences for the evaluation of VI motion estimation methods, totalling ∼80 min of data. The dataset covers challenging conditions (mainly illumination changes and low textured environments) in different degrees and a wide rage of scenarios (including corridors, parking, classrooms, halls, etc.) from two different buildings at the University of Malaga. In general, we provide at least two different sequences within the same scenario, with different illumination conditions or following different trajectories. All sequences were recorded with our VI sensor handheld, except a few that were recorded while mounted in a car.

2. Hardware

We designed a custom VI sensor unit for data collection purposes. Our VI sensor consists of two stereo rigs and a three-axis inertial unit, as can be seen in the image below:


Frequency (Hz)
Image size
Point Grey Bumblebee®2 (BB2-08S2C-25)
Stereo color camera (EquiDistant model)
uEye UI-1226LE-M
Mono camera (RadTan model)
2 (Custom Stereo Rig)
Xsens MTi-28A53G35
Inertial Measurement Unit

3. Dataset Sequences

The dataset sequences have been classified depending on the type of challenge addressed. Each sequence is stored as a single .zip file and named following the format:


 All the secuence files contain (the format used is explained in the paper):

  • synchornized timestamps for camera and IMU
  • the ground truth poses for the start and the end of each sequence,  in order to allow a measure of the drift of the tested algorithm
  • the exposure time of each image
Number of sequences
Total time
indoor sequences showing environments lacking distinctive features or with repetitive textures
7.9 min
sequences containing dark and light areas in indoor scenarios
8.4 min
sequences containing natural illumination changes present in outdoor environments
20.4 min
Indoor-Outdoor dynamic illumination
sequences containing the typical illumination changes of indoors/outdoors transitions
15 min
Indoor with illumination changes
indoor sequences with forced artificial lightning changes (spotlights, lights on and off)
10 min
Sun overexposure
particularly challenging sequences with a blinking effect in the uEye cameras caused by direct exposure to the sunlight, which saturates the imaging sensors and causes fast fluctuations in the exposure time
18.3 min
Challenging sequences
extra challenging sequences which were not counted on the dataset paper
1.3 min

4. Calibration Sequences

The calibration parameters of our VI sensor can be downloaded here. We also provide the corresponding calibration sequence, allowing custom calibration methods to be used with our dataset.

The parameters of the AprilTag grid used in the calibration sequences are showen below. The file can also be downloaded here.

target_type: 'aprilgrid'    #gridtype
tagCols: 6 #number of apriltags
tagRows: 6 #number of apriltags
tagSize: 0.0868 #size of apriltag, edge to edge [m]
tagSpacing: 0.2903 #ratio of space between tags to tagSize

4.1. Camera intrinsic calibration

We calibrated the intrinsic parameters (the projection parameters of each camera as well as the relative spatial transformation between the two cameras of each stereo setup) for each stereo rig independently. For that purpose, we recorded the calibration pattern (AprilTag grid) while slowly moving the VI sensor unit in front of it. The final calibration parameters were estimated using the calibration toolbox Kalibr. The next table shows three different sequences to calibrate each stereo pair.

Number of sequences
Total time
Bumblebee®2 intrinsic calibration sequences
sequences showing the calibration pattern while slowly moving the VI sensor unit in front of it
14.43 min
uEye intrinsic calibration sequences
sequences showing the calibration pattern while slowly moving the VI sensor unit in front of it
15.4 min

4.2. Camera photometric calibration

In order to allow direct VI approaches to be used with our dataset, we also provide calibration sequences for the sensor’s response function and lens vignetting mafor the uEye monochrome camera. To obtain the cameras response function, we recorded a static scene with different exposure times (ranging from 0.07 ms to 20 ms with the smallest steps allowed by the sensor). For the vignette calibration, we recorded a known marker (ArUco) on a white planar surface while moving the VI sensor in order to observe it from different angles. In the next table we provide two Response sequences and two Vignette sequences.

Number of sequences
Total time
uEye response calibration sequences
sequences showing static scene with different exposure times (ranging from 0.07 ms to 20 ms with the smallest steps allowed by the sensor)
10.94 min
uEye vignette calibration sequences
sequences showing the ArUco tag on a white planar surface while moving the VI sensor in order to observe it from different angles
3.42 min

The photometric camera calibration (A Photometrically Calibrated Benchmark For Monocular Visual Odometry) was performed only on the uEye camera (given that the Bumblebee parameters are continuously autoadjusted). To perform such calibration, we used the mono_dataset_code (edited by Alberto Jaenal). The vignette calibration results are shown in the next image (we calibrated the camera as a RadTan model):

Our results for the photometric calibration of each uEye camera are:

4.3. IMU Noise Calibration

The IMU intrinsics were obtained using the approach developed in The TUM VI Benchmark for Evaluating Visual-Inertial Odometry, in which the authors approximate the value of the deviation of white noise and bias by Allan deviations. The calibration sequence is avalaible for download as .bin and .npy files with the next formats:


# Unsigned long long timestamp, double gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z, accel_x, accel_y, accel_z (Little endian) 


# timestamp, gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z, accel_x, accel_y, accel_z 

Number of sequences
Total time
IMU noise calibration sequence
sequences of our VI sensor resting capturing data for a long period
141.3 h

The calibration was performed with the IMU_calib_still tool. The results for the IMU intrinsic Noise Calibration are shown below:

  - [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  - [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

  accelerometer_noise_density: 0.0007970737515806496 #Noise density (continuous-time)
  accelerometer_random_walk: 4.134509826460877e-06 #Bias random walk

  gyroscope_noise_density: 0.00046306229509090514 #Noise density (continuous-time)
  gyroscope_random_walk: 9.798339194666108e-07 #Bias random walk

  model: calibrated
  rostopic: /imu0/data #the IMU ROS topic
  time_offset: 0.0
  update_rate: 250.0  #Hz (for discretization of the values above)

4.4. Extrinsic calibration

We calibrated the extrinsics as well as the time-sinchronization offsets for each camera with respect to the IMU. For that purpose, we again recorded the calibration pattern (AprilTag grid) while moving the VI sensor unit in front of it, trying to excite the three axes of the IMU with rotation and translation movements. We used Kalibr to estimate the extrinsic parameters and time delays of the cameras.

Number of sequences
Total time
Bumblebee®2-Xsens extrinsic calibration sequences
sequences showing the calibration pattern while slowly exciting the three axes of the IMU with rotation and translation movements
2.83 min
uEye-Xsens extrinsic calibration sequences
sequences showing the calibration pattern while slowly exciting the three axes of the IMU with rotation and translation movements
3.13 min
Bumblebee®2-uEye-Xsens extrinsic calibration sequences
sequences showing the calibration pattern while slowly exciting the three axes of the IMU with rotation and translation movements
2.68 min

 The results for both the intrinsic calibration of each stero pair and its extrinsic calibration with the the IMU are provided below:

Bumblebee®2 – IMU

  - [-0.9999193557683889, 0.0078087424182379074, 0.010015263430135759, 0.04560803849154623]
  - [-0.007982464004835765, -0.9998163145030406, -0.017424624012229308, 0.11460657726930963]
  - [0.009877359370849279, -0.017503165296644745, 0.9997980180898823, 0.00939792035366669]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  cam_overlaps: [1]
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.06983837053126551, 0.030679193251357234, -0.029318268716673087,
  distortion_model: equidistant
  intrinsics: [545.7402000594014, 546.4624873938807, 516.7898455908171, 399.68834148863493]
  resolution: [1024, 768]
  rostopic: /cam0/image_raw
  timeshift_cam_imu: 0.009104475174114907
  - [-0.9998724143729596, 0.005897711082467781, 0.014844931120653937, -0.07256189628225355]
  - [-0.0061818005321482745, -0.999797231887982, -0.019164562382438875, 0.11533023680091473]
  - [0.014728893990044001, -0.01925388566283171, 0.999706130604746, 0.008673101875104373]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  - [0.99998651003287, 0.00182615045541887, 0.004862604939401894, -0.11842430675006582]
  - [-0.0018177951894695365, 0.9999968649306907, -0.0017221351400740366, 0.0008231093930239588]
  - [-0.0048657345726687215, 0.0017132726886604664, 0.999986694573365, -0.0006991291443189622]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  cam_overlaps: [0]
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.059680378064520846, 0.01009738651194745, -0.01025701371639368,
  distortion_model: equidistant
  intrinsics: [543.6000821015224, 544.4238023037506, 524.280213672173, 381.4178892040695]
  resolution: [1024, 768]
  rostopic: /cam1/image_raw
  timeshift_cam_imu: 0.009130586492863666

uEye – IMU

  - [-0.9996891001069981, -0.024321238097913023, 0.005493678607751144, 0.11425322792996404]
  - [0.024372821606514775, -0.9996575482196979, 0.009526376767667806, -0.013218431734117795]
  - [0.005260104010154635, 0.009657311466820284, 0.9999395319923278, -0.03159608818108305]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  cam_overlaps: [1]
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.11566634307511932, 0.08987699968528752, -0.0005582794020918663,
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [605.7455777299853, 607.9735414995575, 370.360573680134, 206.06348100221066]
  resolution: [752, 480]
  rostopic: /cam2/image_raw
  timeshift_cam_imu: 0.00534915928352496
  - [-0.99928212777046, 0.035925730341547904, 0.012023768875391022, -0.13962875158190605]
  - [-0.03597274136607859, -0.9993458604025864, -0.003716607972848024, -0.016508639410168793]
  - [0.011882381796241693, -0.004146467851196176, 0.9999208047676615, -0.03160895767861787]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  - [0.9981637475442355, -0.06015420959348745, 0.007113659862062496, -0.2542425622302439]
  - [0.06024646820793817, 0.9980914696176953, -0.01355659783506987, -0.010627124379391237]
  - [-0.006284596798540949, 0.013960277381725226, 0.9998828003813787, 0.0008859958970116961]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  cam_overlaps: [0]
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.12488375896406986, 0.10256449638718221, 0.00036679194033630247,
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [604.6980984497027, 606.3456604476274, 365.754804193908, 235.0315549075409]
  resolution: [752, 480]
  rostopic: /cam3/image_raw
  timeshift_cam_imu: 0.005291164630008379

5. Evaluation

In order to test each method’s performance we developed evaluation tools, available at (repo). These tools test the the drift error and the alignment error, which are described in our paper, and have been developed in C++ (src/evaluate.cpp) and in Python3 (python/

6. Tools

 We also provide different tools in our (repo):

  • a rosbag sequence creator, developed in Python (python/
  • a TUM format to ASL format .csv sequence conversor, developed in C++ (src/tum2asl.cpp)
  • the aforedescribed IMU calibration toolbox (imu_calibration)

7. License

All data in the UMA Visual Inertial Dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)



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