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Ana Cruz-Martín - Aigaion 2.0
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Ana Cruz-Martín
First name(s): Ana
Last name(s): Cruz-Martín
Email: anacm@ctima.uma.es

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Article count: 16
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Publications of Ana Cruz-Martín sorted by first author



José-Luis Blanco, Ana Cruz-Martín, Cipriano Galindo, Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal and Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez, Towards a Multi-Agent Software Architecture for Human-Robot Integration, in: 4th International Workshop on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems (IWPAAMS), Leon (Spain), 2005


Ana Cruz-Martín, Lego Mindstorms NXT: A useful and innovative approach for different educational levels, chapter 4, pages 67-77, Nova Science Publishers, Learning Environments. Technologies, Challenges and Impact Assessment, 2013
Ana Cruz-Martín and Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal, Using Lego Mindstorms NXT robots for control systems courses in undergraduate engineering programs, in: International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI'09), Madrid (Spain), 2009
Ana Cruz-Martín and Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal, Campus Virtual y una Asignatura Adaptada al EEES. Logros y Retos Pendientes (in Spanish), in: XIV Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI), Granada (Spain), 2008
Ana Cruz-Martín, V. F. Muñoz Martínez and Alfonso García-Cerezo, Genetic Algorithm Based Multirobot Trajectory Planning, Sevilla, 10th International Symposium on Robotics and Applications (ISORA 2004), 2004
Ana Cruz-Martín, V. F. Muñoz Martínez and Alfonso García-Cerezo, An adaptable multirobot system simulation schema, Engineering of Intelligente Systems Conference (EIS 2002), Málaga, 2002


Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal and Ana Cruz-Martín, Some experiments on the integration of symbolic and sub-symbolic learning based on imagery and abstraction, Centre for Robotic and Neural and Systems, CRNS, University of Plymouth (UK) Systems // Engineering and Automation Dpt., University of Málaga (Spain), 2013
Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal and Ana Cruz-Martín, Programación de Agentes Robóticos Distribuidos (in spanish) (2001), in: Revista ALIbase (revista oficial de la Asociación Nacional de Doctores, Licenciados e Ingenieros en Informática), 37(50--54)
Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal, Elena Cruz-Martín, Ana Cruz-Martín, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez and Cipriano Galindo, Adaptable Web Interfaces for Networked Robots, in: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'2005), Edmonton (Canada), 2005
Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal, Cipriano Galindo, Ana Cruz-Martín and Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez, The H Metalanguage and the H Tools, System Engineering and Automation Dpt. - University of Málaga (Spain), 2007


Ana Gago-Benítez, Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal and Ana Cruz-Martín, A computationally efficient algorithm for modeling multi-regime delays in the sensory flow of networked telerobots, in: International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2012), Cape Town (Southafrica), 2012


Ángel Martínez-Tenor, Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal and Ana Cruz-Martín, Lego Mindstorms NXT and Q-learning: a teaching approach for robotics and engineering, in: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI, 2014), Seville (Spain), 2014
V. F. Muñoz Martínez, Ana Cruz-Martín and Alfonso García-Cerezo, Speed Planning Method for Mobile Robots under Motion Constraints, 3rd IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV'98), Madrid, 1998


Charbel Stockmans-Daou, Ana Cruz-Martín and Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal, A Heterogeneity-Enabled Development System for Educational Mechatronics, in: IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM'09), Málaga (Spain), 2009