MAPIR at XLV Jornadas de Automática in Málaga (Sep’24)

From September 4th-6th, the MAPIR group had the pleasure of participating in the XLV Jornadas de Automática in Málaga. With 11 members attending, we presented 9 contributions highlighting our ongoing research in robotics, computer vision, and automation. We are especially proud of Jesús Moncada Ramírez, who received the Best Paper Award in the area of Computer Vision, a recognition that reflects the collective effort and dedication of the group.

The event was a fantastic opportunity to share ideas, learn from fellow researchers, and connect with the wider Spanish research community. It was an enriching experience for everyone involved. We are excited to keep moving forward, continuing our work with humility and passion. Let’s keep building together!

Jesús explaining his research to the auidience.
Dominik during his presentation.
Some group members at the gala dinner. Fresh faces and new energy are on the rise!

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