Introducing MINDMAPS: A New Project to Enhance Robot Intelligence with Semantic Topometric Maps (Sep’24)

The MAPIR research group at the University of Málaga is excited to announce the launch of a new national research project named MINDMAPS, starting in September 2024. The main goal of this novel project is to enhance the cognitive abilities of mobile robots by developing advanced Semantic Topometric Maps (STM-maps). These maps are designed to effectively and consistently represent the geometry, topology, and semantics of elements within a robot’s workspace, providing robust mechanisms to fuse the uncertain information typical of robotic processes. Additionally, STM-maps will enable mobile robots to reason about their environment, paving the way for more intelligent and autonomous robotic operations.

Conceptualization of an STM-map including topometric (S-Box) and semantic (T-Box) information.

For more information visit the project’s web page, here.

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