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Gregorio Ambrosio
First name(s): Gregorio
Last name(s): Ambrosio

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Article count: 3
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Publications of Gregorio Ambrosio sorted by recency
Antonio Jesús Pérez Bazuelo, J. R. Ruiz-Sarmiento, Gregorio Ambrosio and Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez, Towards a Voxelized Semantic Representation of the Workspace of Mobile Robots, in: Advances in Computational Intelligence. IWANN, Switzerland, pages 194--205, Springer Nature, 2023
Gregorio Ambrosio, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez and Vicente Arevalo-Espejo, Corrección Radiométrica y Geométrica de Imágenes para la Detección de Cambios en una Serie Temporal (in spanish), in: X Congreso de Métodos Cuantitativos, Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección, Valladolid, 2002
Jose Antelo, Gregorio Ambrosio, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez and Cipriano Galindo, Ship Detection and Recognition in High-Resolution Satellite Images, in: IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'09, Cape Town, South Africa, IEEE, 2009
Gregorio Ambrosio and Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez, Extracting and Matching Perceptual Groups for Hierarchical Stereo Vision, in: Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’00), Barcelona, Spain, 2000
Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez, Gregorio Ambrosio and Vicente Arevalo-Espejo, Automatic Urban Change Detection from the IRS-1D PAN, in: IEEE-ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, pages 320--323, 2001
Vicente Arevalo-Espejo, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez and Gregorio Ambrosio, Shadow Detection in Colour High-Resolution Satellite Images (2008), in: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29:7(1945-1963)
Vicente Arevalo-Espejo, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez, Jesús Valdés and Gregorio Ambrosio, Detecting Shadows in QuickBird Satellite Images, in: ISPRS Mid-term Symposium 2006. Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Processes, pages CD--ROM, 2006
Vicente Arevalo-Espejo, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez and Gregorio Ambrosio, Corrección Geométrica de Imágenes de Satélite de Distinta Resolución (in spanish), in: XII Congreso de Métodos Cuantitativos, Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección, Murcia (Spain), pages 247--260, 2004
Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez, Cipriano Galindo, Vicente Arevalo-Espejo and Gregorio Ambrosio, Applying Image Analysis and Probabilistic Techniques for Counting Olive Trees in High-resolution Satellite Images, chapter -, pages 920--931, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (from Advanced Concepts for I, volume 4678, 2007