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Enhancement of a commercial multicopter for research in autonomous navigation
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Booktitle: 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Year: 2015
Month: jun
Pages: 1204-1209
Location: Torremolinos, Spain
Organization: IEEE
URL: http://mapir.uma.es/mapirwebsi...
DOI: 10.1109/MED.2015.7158919
Abstract: This paper deals with the design of an electronic device aimed at the detection and characterization of volatile chemical substances, that is, an electronic nose (e-nose). We pursue the development of a versatile, multi-purpose e-nose that can be employed for a wide variety of applications, which requires the integration of heterogeneous sensing technologies and a mechanism to be customized for different requirements. To this end, we contribute with a fully-configurable and decentralized e-nose architecture based on self-contained and intelligent sensor-boards (i.e. modules). This design not only allows for the integration of heterogeneous gas-sensor technologies, but also of other electronic components, such as a GPS or Bluetooth. We describe an implementation of a fully operative prototype, as illustrative example of its potential for sensor networks, mobile robotics and wearable technologies.
Userfields: img_url=https%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-n_Cpl06-SCU%2FWc4lc8V0qUI%2FAAAAAAAAA5M%2FFNzbEIMWGk0PfHjuu4nBGuls98T4NCCbgCLcBGAs%2Fs640%2Far-droneSmallText2.png,rank_indexname=,rank_pos_in_category=,rank_num_in_category=,rank_cat_name=,impact_factor=
Keywords: aerial vehicle, aircraft control, altitude control, autonomous aerial vehicles, autonomous flight, autonomous navigation, cameras, drone behavior, helicopters, mobile robots, multicopter, on-board computer, path planning, RGB-D camera, robot vision, sonar
Authors Gongora, Andres
Gonzalez-Jimenez, Javier
Added by: [ADM]
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