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ExCITE Project: A Review of Forty-two Months of Robotic Telepresence Technology Evolution
Type of publication: Article
Journal: Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
Year: 2017
DOI: 10.1162/PRES_a_00262
Abstract: This paper reports on the EU project ExCITE with specific focus on the technical development of the telepresence platform over a period of 42 months. The aim of the project was to assess the robustness and validity of the mobile robotic telepresence (MRP) system Giraff as a means to support elderly and to foster their social interaction and participation. Embracing the idea of user-centered product refinement, the robot was tested over long periods of time in real homes. As such, the system development was driven by a strong involvement of elderly and their caregivers but also by technical challenges associated with deploying the robot in real-world contexts. The results of the 42-months-long evaluation is a system suitable for use in homes rather than a generic system suitable, for example, in office environments.
Userfields: img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fmapir.isa.uma.es%2Fimagesrepo%2Fpapers%2F2017%2F2017_raul_telepresence.png,rank_indexname=JCR-2017,rank_pos_in_category=99,rank_num_in_category=104,rank_cat_name=COMPUTER%20SCIENCE%2C%20SOFTWARE%20ENGINEERING,impact_factor=0.426
Authors Orlandini, Andrea
Kristoffersson, A.
Almquist, Lena
Björkman, Patrik
Cesta, Amedeo
Cortellessa, Gabriella
Galindo, Cipriano
Gonzalez-Jimenez, Javier
Gustafsson, Kalle
Kiselev, Andrey
Loufti, Amy
Melendez-Fernandez, Francisco
Nilsson, Malin
Odens Hedman, Lasse
Odontidou, Eleni
Ruiz-Sarmiento, J. R.
Scherlund, Marten
Tiberio, L.
Rump, Stephen Von
Coradeschi, Silvia
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