TY - JOUR T1 - Monitoring workers exposure to COVID19 and others occupational risks using BLE beacons A1 - Gómez de Gabriel, Jesús Manuel A1 - Rey-Merchán, María-del-Carmen A1 - López Arquillos, Antonio A1 - Fernández-Madrigal, Juan-Antonio JA - Journal of Sensors (Hindawi) Y1 - 2022 UR - https://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2022/7254225/ M2 - doi: 10.1155/2022/7254225 M1 - img_url= M1 - rank_indexname=JCR-2022 M1 - rank_pos_in_category=193 M1 - rank_num_in_category=275 M1 - rank_cat_name=ENGINEERING%2C%20ELECTRICAL%20%26%20ELECTRONIC M1 - impact_factor=1.9 ER -